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Preserving Hope: Exploring the Importance of Oncofertility

Receiving a cancer diagnosis is life-altering and brings numerous challenges and decisions. Among the many concerns faced by individuals undergoing cancer treatment is the potential impact on their fertility. Oncofertility, a field that combines oncology and reproductive medicine, offers hope and options for preserving fertility before and during cancer treatments. 

At OC Fertility, we understand the complexity and importance of making these time-sensitive decisions once you receive a cancer diagnosis and strive to help patients understand all available options. We also appreciate the high rates of regret (about 30%) among those of reproductive age who don’t have an opportunity to consider and/or pursue these options before receiving their cancer treatments. 

Below we delve into the concept of oncofertility, its significance, and the available choices for individuals who wish to protect their fertility while battling cancer, to not only survive afterward once in remission but also to thrive!.

What is Oncofertility

The field of oncofertility is the convergence of cancer and fertility.  A common area of focus is on the fertility preservation of individuals whose cancer treatments may have detrimental effects on their future reproductive capacity. Oncofertility involves a multidisciplinary approach that integrates the expertise of oncologists, reproductive endocrinologists/fertility specialists, and mental health professionals who together provide integrative care to maximize reproductive options for cancer patient survivors.

Fertility Preservation for Cancer Patients

Oncofertility offers fertility preservation choices based on the individual's age, cancer type, treatment plan, and personal preferences. These options may include include sperm banking for males, embryo cryopreservation, oocyte cryopreservation (egg freezing) for females, and ovarian tissue cryopreservation.

Speediness is often critical when considering oncofertility options at the time of cancer diagnosis, as some treatments may need to be initiated immediately.. Open and proactive communication between the patient, oncologist, and fertility specialist is vital to ensure that fertility preservation measures are explored and implemented before cancer treatment begins to avoid delay in cancer management while optimizing fertility preservation efforts.

Using Assisted Reproductive Technologies for Oncofertility Patients

Fertility preservation methods using assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)  may allow cancer patients to move forward with important cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation with a better opportunity to have children in the future using their own gametes, such as embryo or egg freezing. Alternatively, egg or sperm donation and/or surrogacy may be considered as alternative ART treatments in the future. 

Such  IVF advancements,  like intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), can be utilized to help individuals achieve pregnancy with preserved sperm, eggs, and/or embryos after -treatment and once in remission.

Oncofertility Awareness

Raising awareness about oncofertility among healthcare providers, patients, and the general public is crucial, as people are living longer and more people are surviving their cancer.. Promoting discussions about fertility preservation options before cancer treatment empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their reproductive future and provides them with the best opportunity to lead lives free from cancer and fulfilling their future family dreams.

Next Steps for Cancer Patients and Survivors

Oncofertility offers hope and possibilities for individuals facing a cancer diagnosis. By integrating fertility preservation options into the comprehensive cancer care plan, individuals have the opportunity to preserve their fertility and maintain hope for future family-building endeavors. 

Once a cancer diagnosis is received, it’s important to be proactive and ask to learn about all fertility preservation options, but these decisions also need to be made quickly.

For Oncofertility patients, we know that your decisions need to be thorough and made swiftly, so we offer convenient consultation appointments within days to help you learn more about fertility preservation options, and we can partner with your oncology medical team to create a  short timeline and game plan for your treatment needs.

Here at OC Fertility, our mission is “Growing Families, Together,” and we take pride in the state-of-the-art treatment and personalized care we offer each of our patients. If you’re ready to schedule your initial consultation, text or call us at 949-996-9522 today!

Sharon Moayeri, MD, MPH, MS, FACOG Dr. Sharon Moayeri Sharon Moayeri, MD, MPH, MS, FACOG, is a trusted fertility specialist with more than 15 years of experience. As the founder and medical director of OC Fertility® in Newport Beach. Dr. Moayeri is board certified in both obstetrics and gynecology and reproductive endocrinology and infertility by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In 2009, Dr. Moayeri founded OC Fertility®, a culmination of her goals to provide personalized, patient-focused fertility services in her hometown. All treatments use the most cutting-edge technologies while providing trauma-informed care, with an emphasis on diversity and inclusion. Dr. Moayeri is a passionate educator and thought leader and was recently featured in USA Today as an advocate for access to timely fertility care for oncology patients, especially as outcomes for cancer patients continue to improve.

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