Egg Freezing And Fertility Preservation

OC Fertility® + OC Biogenix®
Fertility Clinic located in Newport Beach, CA
At OC Fertility® + OC Biogenix®, we understand that life happens and you may not be ready to start or grow your family when your fertility is at its peak. That's why we offer egg freezing and embryo freezing as ways to help you preserve your fertility for a later time when you're ready to get pregnant or for additional future pregnancies.
Our skilled doctor, Sharon Moayeri, MD, is here to support you every step of the way. We understand that considering egg freezing or embryo freezing can be an emotional decision, and we're committed to providing you with the care, support, and guidance you need to make the best possible choices for your future.
Egg freezing or embryo freezing can provide you with peace of mind and the possibility of creating or growing a family on your terms. If you're interested in learning more about how fertility preservation works and whether it's right for you, don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can call our office, text us or book a consultation online. We're here to help you take control of your fertility and achieve your dreams of starting or growing your family.
Egg Freezing and Fertility Preservation Q&A
Why should I consider freezing my eggs?
You may choose to freeze your eggs to preserve your long-term fertility. Women choose egg freezing due to a:
- Diagnosis of cancer
- Medical conditions or medications preventing concurrent pregnancy
- Desires to delay pregnancy until a later date in time
Egg freezing gives you the ability to create options for yourself. You can wait to have a family until you're financially, physically, and psychologically ready.
How successful is egg freezing?
A woman’s fertility is highest in her twenties and begins to decline into her 30s. While many women can still get pregnant after age 35, they may find it harder to maintain a pregnancy due to diminished egg quantity or quality.
Egg freezing is a method of fertility preservation that allows women to extract their egg cells (oocytes) and cryogenically freeze them for future use.
What should I expect during the egg freezing process?
The process of freezing your eggs involves the same initial process and steps as in vitro fertilization. Hormone injections are given to stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple follicles (which contain the eggs). Once the follicles are of a mature size, they are removed in an egg retrieval procedure. The eggs retrieved are evaluated and all viable eggs are frozen.
How do frozen eggs turn into a viable pregnancy?
When you’re ready to use your frozen eggs, they will thawed and fertilized with sperm – from either your partner or donor sperm.
The fertilized eggs culture a few days to form embryos and once created can be implanted into the uterus of you or your surrogate.
If you’re interested in freezing eggs to preserve your future fertility, call the office of OC Fertility® + OC Biogenix®, or book a consultation using the online tool.
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