Embryo Transfer

OC Fertility® + OC Biogenix®
Fertility Clinic located in Newport Beach, CA
During in vitro fertilization (IVF), the embryo transfer is the essential final step when a fertilized embryo is moved to the uterus to potentially become a viable pregnancy. Trust Sharon Moayeri, MD, of OC Fertility® + OC Biogenix® in Newport Beach, California, to complete the IVF process expertly and with compassion. If you’re struggling with infertility, call OC Fertility® + OC Biogenix® or book an appointment online to learn about your options.
Embryo Transfer Q & A
What is an embryo transfer?
An embryo transfer is a final step in the IVF or in vitro fertilization process. IVF is a potential answer to infertility. During the procedure, a woman takes fertility medications to stimulate her ovaries to produce a number of healthy eggs.
OC Fertility doctors remove the viable eggs from the ovaries in a simple procedure and fertilize them with partner or donor sperm.
When the fertilized eggs have multiplied and formed an embryo (or embryos) – which usually takes 5-6 days – a viable embryo is transferred to your uterus. Following the transfer, the hope is that the embryo attaches itself to the wall of the uterus to create a pregnancy.
Who might require IVF and embryo transfer?
If you’re having trouble getting pregnant or have a fertility condition, OC Fertility may recommend IVF. You may engage in IVF and the resulting embryo transfer due to:
- Ovulation disorders
- Endometriosis
- Premature ovarian failure
- Fallopian tube damage
- Uterine fibroids
- Impaired sperm production in your partner
- Genetic disorders
Single men and same-sex couples may choose IVF possibly with the assistance of a surrogate. The doctors at OC Fertility honestly assess your condition before recommending IVF and embryo transfer.
How is it decided which embryos get transferred?
Once the embryos are created, the patient can choose to undergo genetic screening of the embryos to determine which ones are healthy and viable. The results of this test can be used to determine which embryo is to be transferred.
If the embryos are not genetically tested, a decision between you and your OC Fertility provider is made as to how many embryos are to be transferred. This decision is based upon many factors including your age, length of infertility, and prior reproductive history.
If many good quality embryos develop, the doctors can freeze some for future IVF procedures – should you need them for use to have more children in the future.
What should I expect during an embryo transfer?
The procedure is similar to a pap smear. The embryo is carefully placed within the uterus under ultrasound guidance. The procedure is done vaginally and involves no needles, incisions, or anesthesia.
An ultrasound guides their way as a catheter passes through the cervix into the womb. The doctor sends the embryos through the tube of the catheter into the uterus.
What should I do after an embryo transfer?
While the procedure itself is not generally painful, you may have some discomfort afterward. Right after the procedure, you may experience some bloating, cramping, and vaginal discharge.
You schedule an appointment for approximately two weeks after the embryo transfer to find out if the embryo attached to your uterus to create a viable pregnancy.
For more information about embryo transfers, call OC Fertility, or book an appointment using the online tool.
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