Female Infertility

OC Fertility® + OC Biogenix®
Fertility Clinic located in Newport Beach, CA
Women struggling to get pregnant may need a workup for infertility treatment. If you’ve been actively trying to get pregnant for a year, or six months if you’re older than 35, Sharon Moayeri, MD, of OC Fertility® + OC Biogenix® + OC Biogenix® is available to help. They offer evaluations and education when it comes to female infertility to help you achieve a healthy, successful pregnancy. To learn more, call the office in Newport Beach, California, today or book an appointment online.
Female Infertility Q & A
What causes female infertility?
Issues with a woman’s pelvic organs can be the reason for infertility. Common complications include:
Ovulation disorders
These disorders affect the ability of your ovaries to develop or release an egg. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an example.
Uterine or cervical abnormalities
Uterine fibroids, adhesions from prior surgeries, or infection of the uterine lining are examples of uterine abnormalities. You may also have hostile cervical mucus or scar tissue from a prior procedure such as a D&C (dilation and curettage).
Endometriosis is a condition in which uterine tissue grows outside of the uterus and interferes with the optimal functioning of reproductive organs.
Early menopause
Approximately 1% of women younger than 40 experience premature menopause and loss of fertility.
Fallopian tube damage
If your Fallopian tubes are damaged or blocked, it interferes with your ability to get pregnant. You may have damaged fallopian tubes due to pelvic inflammatory disease, a uterine infection, or the side effects of a sexually transmitted disease.
Age, substance use, being over- or underweight, and either over or under-exercising can put you at risk of infertility. Lifestyle changes can address most of these female infertility risk factors.
How is female infertility diagnosed?
You undergo a full medical history review and review of your family history. This includes information about any prior pregnancies or births.
The doctors at OC Fertility® + OC Biogenix® recommend specific tests based on the suspected cause of your infertility and any other symptoms, such as pelvic pain or irregular bleeding.
Testing sometimes includes checking your hormone levels to determine if you’re ovulating. They may also recommend you undergo imaging tests to look for irregularities in the reproductive organs. They evaluate the quality and quantity of your eggs, too.
Some women benefit from a hysterosalpingography X-ray, which looks at your uterus and fallopian tubes for blockages or other issues. In cases where the cause for infertility is unclear, you may need minor surgery so the doctors can get a better look at your reproductive organs.
What minor surgeries help resolve infertility?
Minor surgery for infertility may include:
A minimally invasive surgery that uses a special instrument called a laparoscope – a long, thin device that is inserted through a small incision in the abdomen. The device is attached to a camera that allows the doctor to view the abdominal and pelvic organs on a television screen.
If any issues are found, such as endometriosis, the doctors can remove the excess tissue during your procedure.
A hysteroscope is a thin, lighted telescope-like device that is inserted through the cervix and into the uterus. The hysteroscope transmits an image of the inside of the uterus onto a screen so the doctors can see the lining of the uterus and the openings of the Fallopian tubes. They may pass small instruments through the hysteroscope if treatment is required.
Myomectomy is a surgical procedure to remove uterine fibroids. Fibroids are common noncancerous growths of muscle cells that can appear in the uterus. The goal of a myomectomy is to remove any fibroid tissue interfering with pregnancy implantation.
An overgrowth of glandular cells in the lining of the uterus (i.e., endometrium) can lead to the formation of growths called uterine polyps. These polyps are usually benign but if they become large enough, they can interfere with a woman’s ability to achieve or maintain a pregnancy. A polypectomy removes these polyps to enhance your chances of getting pregnant.
How is female infertility treated?
Your infertility treatment depends on the cause. You may take fertility drugs to stimulate ovulation, undergo intrauterine insemination, or have surgery to restore your fertility.
In vitro fertilization is an option for cases of infertility that don’t respond to other treatments. You can also explore surrogacy or egg donation if necessary with the team at OC Fertility® + OC Biogenix®.
To learn more about female infertility and treatment, call OC Fertility® + OC Biogenix®, or book an appointment online.
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