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The Physical and Emotional Effects of Miscarriage

When you lose a child before bringing it to term, you probably don’t feel any better knowing that up to 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Whether your miscarriage occurred early or late in the pregnancy, you had an emotional attachment to the child and to the hopes and dreams you’d created. If you’ve suffered more than one miscarriage already, you might also be losing hope.

Dr. Sharon Moayeri and Dr. Nidhee Sachdev at OC Fertility in Newport Beach, California help women who’ve been through a miscarriage cope with the emotional and physical after-effects. When you’re ready, they also help you prepare for your next pregnancy and take steps to increase your chances of success, no matter how many miscarriages you’ve suffered before.

Miscarriage makes you feel alone

Most women who suffer miscarriages don’t talk about them. Their family, friends, and sometimes even their partners, don’t understand the profound grief they feel. 

That sense of isolation has implications for long-term mental health and well-being. In one study, 20% of women who’d suffered two miscarriages still had symptoms of depression almost three years after the birth of a healthy child. 

First Lady Michelle Obama and celebrities, such as Carrie Underwood and Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, have recently shared their experiences of having one or more miscarriages to help remove the stigma women feel when they lose a baby. They, like you, were heartbroken at each loss.  

If you miscarried and are still grieving, Dr. Moayeri or Dr. Sachdev can refer you to a grief counselor to help you learn new techniques to manage your heartbreak and move forward. You might also find relief by joining a miscarriage support group in your neighborhood or even online. 

Your body needs time 

If you had a miscarriage early in your pregnancy, you may need just a couple of weeks before your body recovers. If you lost the baby later in the pregnancy, recovery could take months. 

Be sure to see your OB/GYN after a miscarriage for an examination and evaluation. Common physical effects of a miscarriage include:

If your breasts are sore, you might find that wearing a good bra helps support them and eases discomfort. You can also apply covered ice packs to your breasts to alleviate pain and swelling. 

Manage bleeding and spotting by using menstrual pads. To reduce your risk of an infection:

If your doctor prescribes antibiotics, be sure to take them for the full course. You should also avoid vigorous exercise until your body has healed.

Getting pregnant again

Although pregnancy hormones may remain in your blood for months, many women who miscarry can get pregnant after the two-week abstention period. However, pay attention to your emotions as well as your body’s signals. You and your partner may want to wait before trying again.

When you’ve already suffered one or more miscarriages, we offer pre-pregnancy planning to answer your questions, give you and your partner support, and increase your chances of a successful pregnancy. 

If you’ve suffered two or more miscarriages, we may order extra tests or recommend in vitro fertilization (IVF) using your own or donor eggs. Once you become pregnant, we may refer you to a perinatologist who specializes in high-risk pregnancies.

Move toward the future and family you want with miscarriage support and pre-pregnancy planning. Call us at 949-706-2229 or book an appointment on our website today.

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