Pregnancy Ultrasound

OC Fertility® + OC Biogenix®
Fertility Clinic located in Newport Beach, CA
Pregnancy is a scary time for many. With early pregnancy ultrasounds, the growth and progress of the fetus can be monitored. That’s why Sharon Moayeri, MD, offers pregnancy ultrasound services during the first trimester and beyond. At OC Fertility® + OC Biogenix® in Newport Beach, California, you get access to ultrasounds in the early stages of your pregnancy. To get started, call the office or schedule your pregnancy ultrasound online today.
Pregnancy Ultrasound Q & A
When can I start getting a pregnancy ultrasound?
The OC Fertility team offers ultrasounds to their patients who become pregnant during the course of their fertility treatment with OC Fertility. They also offer first trimester pregnancy monitoring to patients who conceive on their own but are interested in having closer monitoring during their first trimester.
The OC Fertility doctors offer first-trimester pregnancy monitoring. They designed this service for women who need extra support through the early weeks of pregnancy.
Even if you don’t have a high-risk pregnancy, though, you may be interested in partnering with a pregnancy expert who can monitor your pregnancy from the very beginning.
When you choose first-trimester pregnancy monitoring, you return to OC Fertility every one or two weeks so your doctor can check on you and your baby. At these appointments, they perform an ultrasound to monitor your baby’s heartbeat and check for abnormal growths.
What does the team look for on ultrasound?
During the early part of your pregnancy, your OC Fertility doctor will perform an ultrasound to confirm that the pregnancy is in the correct location. Occasionally, pregnancies may implant outside of the uterus. This is called an ectopic pregnancy and should be treated urgently.
Throughout the first trimester, your OC Fertility doctor will monitor to follow the pregnancy as it progresses and identifies if any developmental milestones are not present early on. For patients who unfortunately miscarry, this can be diagnosed in a timely manner avoiding unnecessary weeks of waiting for your first ultrasound.
The early phases of pregnancy involve lots of growth and evolving changes, which the team is able to watch and see weekly during your ultrasounds at OC Fertility.
Is a pregnancy ultrasound safe?
Absolutely. The sound waves that create the image from your ultrasound are completely harmless.
For access to pregnancy ultrasound services, call OC Fertility, or make your appointment online today.
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